GSS workshops & Mentoring;
Creating harmony in teams, instrumental in personal growth

Solo musician busker playing many instruments, depecting going it alone is hard rather than a band or team using systems thinking through guided systems solutions

If you or your team wanted to form a band it may seem like the quickest solution would be to learn an instrument and just get on with it.

It’s human nature to reach for an available solution… but this can just move the problem around.

Guided Systems Solutions (GSS) Workshops are perfect for understanding the principles and practical tools of systems thinking in a group setting. You will come away from the session being able examine complex problems and identify their solutions in a holistic way.

Systems thinking supports a growth mindset and being open minded, by incorporating systems thinking into your everyday life you are able to increase efficiencies and effectiveness and achieve great things in your professional development.

  • Conductor leading the band is like mentoring with guided systems solutions


    Mentoring is a trusted method for cultivating the leaders of the future. Maybe you want to take on a leadership role, drive a project through your organisation or progress in your career. I run mentoring programmes through GSS which can help you be seen as ‘the change maker’ you’ll be the inspirational, effective leader you want to be.

  • Two people playing accordions with horse masks on. Workshops with guided systems solutions show you how to make complex problems easier to solve


    In partnership with GSS you can learn how to use systems thinking to analyse and solve complex problems or challenges in your organisation. Once learnt these skills and knowledge can be employed in future business situations and problem solving putting you, your team and your organisation in the best place for transformation